Ed Martin, a Denver native, began his career interest in food and wine while working at a steakhouse and discovered the wonder of Roquefort and crème brulee. Life would never be the same. The professional world offered many experiences but nothing captured his interest more than food and wine. He found his way by beginning work in retail wine shops, then to restaurants, and eventually landed in sales.
Ed achieved the WSET Level 4 Diploma (DWS) in 2017 holds both the Italian and French Wine Scholar professional certifications, and is an accomplished wine educator. When he isn’t learning about cultural and historical gastronomy of the world, he enjoys spending time with his wife, two daughters, and his rescued dog, Nikki. He also likes to ski, cycle, drink great coffee, and work on home winemaking and fermentation projects.
“Nothing makes the future look so rosy as to contemplate it through a glass of Chambertin.” – Napoleon Bonaparte (French Statesmen & Military Leader)