Originally from Charlottesville, VA, Percy grew up playing sports (lacrosse specifically, amongst many others) spending the majority of his time outdoors, which we can all assume is what lead him to Colorado. Percy’s drive for the alcohol industry began in college (as it does for most) while pursuing his degree in biology, but not in the traditional sense, he discovered a love for homebrewing – ultimately writing his senior thesis on the subject.
With his newfound love of brews, Percy became the head brewer of Goose Island, specifically brewing the famous Goose Island Bourbon County Stout. Percy moved on to Summit Brewery in Minneapolis followed by more time in grad school and eventually a 20-year long career in logistics and supply chain.
Ultimately, Percy found his calling in sales after working at a family winery in the Finger Lakes running their independent wine and cheese shop. Outside of wine and food, Percy referees lacrosse games at all levels of play when not spending time with his personal zoo at home: Perimeter Pete, an Aussie/Border Collie, Maya (aka The Mooch), a Boxer/Beagle/Pitbull mix and PG the cat; collectively known as the “Chucklehead Gang.”
“Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow.” — Mahatma Gandhi (American Entrepreneur, Animator & Film Producer)